Location Penalty Description
Torso +0 The chest and abdomen. No penalty to hit, and no effect on damage. This is the default target for attacks: if you don’t specify a Hit Location, you are attacking the Torso.
Vitals -3 Impaling and Piercing x3. Tight-Beam Burning Attack x2. The heart or lungs (from the front) or the kidneys (from behind). Certain attacks can target the Vitals for increased damage.Other attacks cannot target the Vitals.
Skull -7 Extra DR of 2. All wounding modifiers x4. The part of the head that houses the Brain. Knockdown rolls are at -10, and Critical Hits use the Critical Head Blow Table.

Exception: None of these effects apply to toxic damage.

Eye -9 Impaling, Piercing, and Tight-Beam Burning Attacks can specifically target the Eye. Injury over HP/10 blinds the Eye; otherwise, treat as a Skull hit without the extra DR 2! (As with Skull hits, toxic damage has no special effect.)
Face -5 The Jaw, Cheeks, Nose, and Ears. Many helmets have an open Face, allowing this attack to ignore Armor DR! Knockdown rolls are at -5, and Critical Hits use the Critical Head Blow Table. Corrosion damage (only) gets a x1.5 Wounding Modifier . . . and if it inflicts a Major Wound, it also blinds one Eye (both Eyes on damage greater than full HP).
Neck -5 Wounding, Crushing, and Corrosion x1.5. Cutting damage x2 The Neck and Throat. The GM may rule that anyone killed by a Cutting blow to the Neck is decapitated!
Groin -3 Testicle havers take 2x crushing(max of -8) , 2x shock(not electric) , and -5 to Knockdown Rolls. The lower Torso. Jackets, and Light Armor don’t always cover this area. Treat as a Torso hit if testicles are missing.
Arm or Leg -2 A good way to disable without killing! Against a living target, reduce the Wounding Modifier of Large Piercing, Huge Piercing, and Impaling damage to x1. Any Major Wound (loss of over 1/2 HP from one blow) cripples the Limb – but damage beyond the minimum required to inflict a crippling injury is lost.

Note: The penalty to hit an Arm with a Shield is -4.

Hands or Feet -4 As for an Arm or Leg, but damage over 1/3 HP in one blow inflicts a crippling Major Wound (excess damage is still lost). This gives you a chance to cripple the foe with little real damage. However, your foe might just switch Hands (or hop) and finish you off!

Note: The penalty to hit a Hand holding a Shield is -8.